Film covers for mailings that are meant to be opened

For an immaculate first impression. You open the post box, pull out a plain paper envelope and read "To current resident". Where does the envelope end up? Or: You open the post box and pull out a colourful mailing with an interesting design and colourfast, showcase appearance that immediately grabs your attention. You open the film envelope and begin to page through the content. Why should your customers handle it differently?

The critical point comes before the post box

You design your brochures, mailings and catalogues with a large degree of dedication and creativity, you have selected the target group after careful consideration and now there is just one thing left to do: The recipients needs to open their post. Show the recipients that you are confident about your offer and that their interest is worth something! Use special film covers from maropack for your direct marketing campaign!

The transparent envelopes are individually tailored for you and protect your mailings to guarantee an immaculate first impression. The transparent packaging draws in attention and keeps out dirt. maropack offers you resealable bags, bags with tapered lips and many additional features for your direct mailing programme.

Simply ask the experts – and see the exciting suggestions!


More information
Film envelopes (PDF, 44 KB)

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